Statistically, only 6% of consumers will scroll past the first page of search results when seeking a local business (reference: Moz).  This means if your business is not ranking on Page 1 of Google for the products or services that you offer, an alarming 94% of your target audience will never see you!  Moreover, these are consumers who are located nearby, they’re searching for the exact product or service you offer, and they are likely to make a purchase within 24 hours or less.  If your business is not on the first page of search results, then 94% of those consumers will be spending their money at your competitor’s store or office instead of yours.
Now, there are many variations of SEO, and many agencies who make lofty promises about getting your website to number 1 on “the googles”.  It can be overwhelming to determine what’s legitimate, what’s too good to be true, or what is an outright scam (we can promise you that emails containing any reference to “the googles” is coming from the same folks who’ve been holding that unclaimed inheritance from your long lost Nigerian uncle, may he rest in peace).  Outright scams aside, there are two schools of SEO: “black hat” and “white hat”.  Black hat SEO involves tactics that are used to game the system.  Some examples might be buying fake reviews, or using overseas click-banks to send fake traffic to your website.  These tactics work, and typically work very well, right up until  your website is penalized by Google.  And it absolutely will be penalized, the only question is when.  Google knows that 5000 Indonesian IP addresses aren’t really looking for a plumber in Waco, TX or the best pizza restaurant in Boston, MA. Recovering from a penalty can take 6 months to several years, depending on the severity, and it will cost thousands of dollars to clean up the mess and get back in the good graces of the Big G. We don’t believe in gambling with our clients money or reputation.
We employ strictly “white hat” tactics, which means doing everything that Google wants done, in the manner and sequence that  Google wants it done. This includes building trust factors, proving topical and geographical relevance, maintaining performance and speed standards, creating internal and external links for better indexing, adding html and json markups so Google can easily understand what your website is about.  In addition to optimizing and maintaining your website, we build and optimize data aggregators and local citations, micro-sites, social sharing sites, and more.  We create a massive digital footprint for your business that not only improves your website’s position in the search results, but also creates more than a hundred other platforms on which potential customers can find your business.
Google releases 2 minor algorithm updates every day, and 3-4 major updates per year.  We’ve ranked hundreds of businesses using  white hat SEO techniques and not once has a client’s website ever been penalized by an update.  Quite the contrary.  Google rewards businesses that do the right things, the right way.  So that’s exactly what we do…the right things, the right way.

We will develop and implement a comprehensive Strategic Plan for your Search Engine Optimization based on Keyword research, relevant content creation, building of proper back links and on-site optimization.

On-page optimization includes but is not limited to:

  • Image optimization – titles, ALT tags
  • Keyword-rich SEO titles and meta descriptions
  • Optimized titles tags, with proper html hierarchy (client’s content may be edited)
  • Internal and external link creation with optimized anchor text
  • Appropriate keyword and LSI saturation (client’s content may be edited)
  • Sitemap creation and submission
  • Robots.txt creation, as needed
  • HTTPS protocol and configuration, as needed
  • Speed and performance optimization
  • Correction of all critical issues as determined via Website Auditor
  • Schema markup(s)
  • Google Map embed

Off-site SEO is unique to each client’s strategy and state of their existing online assets. Off-site work may include any of the following, as deemed appropriate and necessary in achieving desired goals:

  • Citation creation and optimization
  • Social profile creation and optimization
  • Social bookmarking
  • High authority backlinks – guest outreach and/or premium
  • Infographics sharing
  • Article sharing
  • Classifieds

SEO Reporting Methodology:

  • Monthly reporting, is provided for each location, as desired, along with an overview of all progress relative to all locations.
  • Access is granted through a Google Data Studio link so reporting functionality is available for any location, at any time, for any time period desired, with real time results.

Timeline for SEO:

It is important to understand that SEO is not an immediate solution to generate new business. SEO is a long-term strategy to be evaluated on an annual (or semi-annual) basis.